Sunday, March 13, 2011

Look! Another Big Idea

From the reading:

After a motion is made in the decision group, the implementation of the idea depends on delegation and her friends—programming and follow- through.

I think I have a good grasp on programming and follow through. I feel like I can create a program and effectively implement it, and follow up that it is working the way it is intended to work, and that it is effective. I think the delegation aspect is a harder one for me to let out of my grasp. I find often in youth ministry that it is my baby, these are my teens, and I have a hard time letting go of responsibility for them. If I delegate a task to someone else and they don't follow through, I as the youth pastor am still responsible for their failure. Their failures reflect on me, even though they aren't my failures. The problem is that I can't minister to the youth of my church by myself; I need the delegated help of others. I hope as I grow in ministry that I can move beyond the point of control, and let God work in the hearts and minds of those he calls to work in ministry.

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