Saturday, September 27, 2014

In your journaling time record your reflections on the three most significant times of Bible study that you have experienced in the past year. Be specific. State the passage, the setting, others who may have shared the experience, and how your life and/or ministry have changed because of those experiences.

The passages that I will mention are Hebrew 5 (the milk passage), Micah 6:6-8 (what is good), and John 10:10 (the best and fullest life possible). Each one has made its way into my teaching or preaching this year, and I am so thankful it has, because it continues to affirm in me the fact that I am on the right track in my journey with God. I am able to share what God is doing in me through these passages, and communicate that to the young people I am ministering to. God is so good! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

How do Christian disciples “serve the world, but not . . . be a servant of the world”? · What are some ways that we may live out the words of Matthew 6:33, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”? · Do we seek to denounce evil and injustice wherever they exist?

I think Christians can serve the world without being a servant of the world by always keeping focused on their perspective. Why do we do the things we do? It is to build the Kingdom of God, to bring glory to the name of Jesus! When our works of service become more about feeling good about ourselves, or getting recognition or a pat on the back, we are losing our perspective. We must continue to do what God calls us to do, including standing up for what is right, fighting against injustice and persecution, and loving the way God calls us to. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How do you feel about being a mentor/coach? Are you willing to make that commitment? · Who are the people that you should be mentoring/coaching today? · What skills and experience do you have that you would be willing to share with others? · What is your reaction to being mentored/coached by someone else?

I think I could do a very good job of being a mentor to someone. There are some young people in my youth ministry that could very well benefit from some one-on-one engagement and encouragement. I can use my strength finders strength of Harmony to engage and find a common rapport with the people I am working with. I can share my life experiences, my struggles, my shortcomings, show that I am just a person, trying to figure out this life.

I certainly appreciate being mentored by someone else. There is something so rewarding about being able to share with someone who can provide an outside perspective on the situation you are dealing with. I have some great mentors in my life that I am thankful to have!

Friday, September 12, 2014

In your journal write the final draft of your definition of Christian theology.

I don't know that you can have a "final draft" to define Christian Theology, but I think this will suffice as my best effort. Christian Theology is about being a part of the Narrative of God. It starts with the Narrative of his creation, the failure of human creation to stay in a right relationship, and his attempts to reconcile himself with that creation. It follows with the appointment of a holy people, chosen to bear witness to God's great glory, mercy, and justice. It culminates in the person of Jesus, who bears the sin of the world so that one and for all can be reconciled with God. It continues through Jesus' followers, those who seek reconciliation with God, and attempt to share this reconciliation with others. We are all theologians, participating in the great redemption story of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

· When it comes to being all love, holy love I find myself feeling very inadequate to the great power and majesty that is the essence of God - Love. God's love is so great, and unyielding towards me that he would send his son to death for me to be reconciled with him. And who am I that I deserve reconciliation? I am nothing, a single person trotting on an earth filled with billions, not to mention billions more throughout the course of history. Yet this God, who could be concerned with all sorts of more important things, loves me and wants a relationship with me. Baffling and overwhelming, to say the least.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Write a one-stanza song of praise to God for your own “transforming moment” of conversion. If you need help to get started, sing some songs such as “Why Should He Love Me So?” “Victory in Jesus,” “All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus.”

I praise you, my savior.
I praise you, my Lord.
I praise you, my friend.
For being all of these things, and loving me.
Loving someone as insignificant as me.
Filled with your majesty and power,
pouring out your mercy and grace,
on one like me, a worm of the earth.
I praise you for all that you are and all that you do.
My God, my Rock, my Redeemer, my friend. 

Not much of a song, but I think it gets the point!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Theme 3 implies that every Christian has a call to minister. What differences, if any, do you see between a call to full-time Christian service, such as pastoring, and God’s leading and gifting someone for other types of employment (teacher, builder, doctor, laborer, etc.)? · To what has God called you? What gifts have been given to you by God to allow you to fulfill His call?

I think the difference between those who are called to a "secular" vocation and those called to full-time ministry is the emphasis on leadership and direction. Those in the secular field are part of the "priesthood of all believers" and play their role in their world, job, vocation, etc. Those in full time ministry are there to help facilitate and develop those who are out in the "real" world, if you will. We are called to help those be prepared for works of service, out in their context.

I think God has called me to be a very good associate pastor / executive pastor. I could see myself being on staff, leading behind the scenes, not so much being the face of the franchise, but a major contributor in what goes unseen that makes things happen. I think God has given me gifts like planning and organization, vision casting, and the ability to promote that would make for a very good assistant / executive type role. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Write in your journal about a new concept that you encountered in today’s lesson. In what ways could this new idea influence your life? Your assumptions about religion or spirituality? What feelings did this new insight provoke? Suspicion, fear, anger, freedom, joy, relief?

The new insight that I received in reading for this lesson was the thought that the role that I have in forming my take on Theology is influenced by hundreds of thousands of men and women of the last 2,000 or so years that have dedicated their lives to knowing Jesus, loving him, and living life the way that he calls them to live. I get to play a part in sharing the great news of God's reconciliation plan! Every once in a while you have these moments, these times where you get to reflect and look at what has come and dream about what will become. This thought is overwhelming and exciting at the same time, knowing that God is going to use me, just like he used The Disciples, the Catholic Priests of Old, Martin Luther, John Wesley, and a countless number of others to further his great, loving redemption plan. Shock and awe indeed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Note an idea or concept that either had a positive or negative impact on you. · Record an emotion you experienced while processing the content of today’s lesson. · Write about something you decided or actually did in your personal life, spiritual life, ministry, or family life in response to this lesson.

I have to record the emotion of exhaustion! I am so tired of doing course work! I know that it is essential and important for my continued progress in ministry, but I am tired! I feel like I have so much other stuff going on in my life and not enough time to get all that I am responsible for taken care of. I need a break from life!