Monday, March 7, 2011

Devoted to giving my money

I have found that being able to give of my money for tithes and offerings has never really been a problem for me. The truth is that every good and wonderful thing I have in my life is a gift from God; he gives me everything that I have! Repeatedly it is said in the scripture "The Earth is the Lord's and everything in it." I am thankful that God has blessed me so much that he would give me an interest free, long term loan on all of his stuff that I currently have in my possession. With all that God gives me, 10% is a paltry sum in consideration of the remaining 90% plus in stuff and blessings I receive in return. The return on investment is exponential; in my entire life as a committed tither, I have never had to worry about coming up with the money I needed to pay a bill. I have never found my self in want, and it is because of the blessing of God that makes that very thing possible. I praise his name, and want to continue to serve him with my finances.

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