Monday, February 9, 2015

Give an accounting of a time recently where you received care, pastoral or otherwise, from someone. Express your feelings to be on the receiving end of someone else’s concern. Then write about an opportunity you took to express care, concern, or counsel to someone else. How did you feel about the experience? Would you do something different next time?

Recently, I was the beneficiary of some care from my Pastor. He stopped in at my work just to see how I was doing, to buy me a soda and visit for a few minutes. He happened to be down the street at another store buying supplies, and he went out of his way and from his schedule to visit me. That was really neat; I didn't feel like I needed extra care, and life was going good, and he stopped in just to say hi. That is very special.

I was able to reciprocate this with another individual who was recovering from surgery. She was a little loopy at my time of visit, but I was able to spend some time with her husband while she was in and out of sleep. It was a good change of pace for both of them, and I was blessed to be a part of it.