Monday, April 12, 2010

Respect your Wife!

I have been doing devotional readings from several books over the last year or so. One of them is The Top Ten Ways To Love Your Wife By Hans & Donna Finzel (I think I have met his brother Franz, and he pumped me up). The married authors take on the misconceptions commonly placed on women and their roles in the marriage relationship. One of the things that stuck out to me today is the fact that a lot of times men command and expect women to take care of their domains and responsibilities, and then they go out and try to second guess the women when they execute their plan. It is a situation I know I have found myself in. I can think of an uncountable amount of times when I have come in to "assist" my wife, and just gone and made the situation worse. The truth is that women are not naive; they know what they are doing, they know that they can make choices for themselves, think critically, and solve problems on levels that I can't even begin to comprehend. Give the ladies in your life the respect they deserve, because if they are anything like my wife, they work so hard and do very well at the things they do.