Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Renewal into the image of God

Here is a quote from one of the lessons that really spoke to me:

"One way to think of the relationship between justification and Christian perfection is to talk about the three dimensions of salvation: pardon (salvation begun), holiness (salvation continued) and heaven (salvation finished).

Another way of putting this is deliverance immediately from the penalty of sin, progressively from the plague of sin, and eschatologically from the very presence of sin (Randy Maddox, Responsible Grace). "

I like this focus of justification because it goes beyond the common creed of a hell insurance policy. Christian perfection in a sense entails that you will go beyond exemption from the consequences of sin; it entails that you consistently grow and move away from sin in your personal life.

I have to admit I have a hard time with the "once saved, always saved" argument. I use this example a lot in my small group discussion times... I am a rodeo clown. I've never been in a rodeo. I don't own any clown costumes. I don't have a barrel or suspenders, or a funny little car or a miniature cannon. Matter of fact, I don't even go to the rodeo at all. Am I a rodeo clown because I say I am, or do the thoughts and actions of my life reflect my rodeo clowness? Christian perfection entails living out life by progressively moving away from sin, being set apart. It's not a binder just in case you die. It completely changes the way you live your life.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That was very deep and very true. I like reading your blog, I feel like I get to know a different part of you. I love you!