Sunday, March 14, 2010

Crashing Computers and Church Election Dinners

I had intended to post another entry in last night, knowing it had been some time since I had last posted. My blog is border line irregular, so I need to step my game up and bring some regularity, like fiber one bars and the yogurt that makes you go to the bathroom.

Needless to say, my computer is acting up, and I was not able to post last night.

This blog is intended to aid and support my studies in ministry; I have found that it is also a place for me to talk about those who support me in my studies of ministry.

Today was the annual church election dinner. The youth have put the meal on for about the last five years, and the proceeds for the dinner go to the youth department. The meal insures that more people stay for the meeting; you can't have elections and voting on an empty stomach.

We used to have a local restaurant help us cater the meal; last year we made frozen lasagna... and it didn't get done in time. Let me just say we had a microwave scramble to get all the food ready in time.

This year, I had a new plan for cooking frozen lasagnas... but then my wife volunteered to cook real lasagnas... real lasagnas... for 120 people... 13 total. And Caesar salad... for 120 people.
My wife and her friend Angela spent several hours yesterday preparing the lasagnas, just the two of them. Then, she coordinated the youth this morning to prepare the salad and the entire meal set up. I facilitated table set up and tried my best to support her, but in all truth she ran the show.

The meal was absolutely perfect. I could not have asked for a better meal, and I believe it was the most efficient, best put together church meal I have ever been a part of. I owe it all to my wife, who on her own volition took on a task that I myself would not be man enough to do. She is such a strong supporter of me, and the ministry that I am doing. I truly feel like she is my partner in serving the Lord, and I am indebted to her in more ways than I can ever describe or know.

So Andrea, I want to say clearly and explicitly, thank you for you help. I could not do this work or live this life without you.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Be still my heart! That was the sweetest ever - my Andrea is one blessed girl. And I happen to agree with you - she is pretty awesome too!