Monday, March 15, 2010

Jesus Freaks

Over the last several months, I have added to my devotional time the Jesus Freaks book by DC Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs. In my time reading this book, it has really challenged me to look beyond the freedoms of religion that I take for granted. People didn't just die for their beliefs; people were ruthlessly tortured before they died for their beliefs. I sit in the lap of luxury, with a home above my head, not ever having to worry about someone coming in and taking my life for what I believe in. I am so thankful for the freedoms I have living in this country, and I encourage any reader of this blog (all 3 and a half of you) to take some time out of your day and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I started reading Jesus Freaks awhile back - I just couldn't finish it. It was too hard.