Saturday, October 29, 2011

Motivator #10

“Would not openness to other religions relativize the truth claims of Christianity? How can Christians be [attentive, respectful, and patient toward] persons of other faiths without undermining their own convictions not only [regarding] the validity of Christianity, but the importance of efforts to reach non-Christians with the good news of Jesus Christ? Is there any way to combine strong conviction with genuine [respect and patience]?” (Runyon, The New Creation, 215.)

I would respond that there is a way to combine conviction with genuine respect and patience. It comes from appreciating the fact that God made each person with a unique and free will, and they have the right and ability to choose to live and believe that which is incorrect. It is up to us as Christians to communicate in love the truth of Christ to them while respecting their right to believe what they want to believe. At the same time, we must live our lives in a way that communicates the Gospel of Christ; we must choose to follow his call for our lives, we must live according to his word, we must be transformed by his way, so that we do not conform to the cultures around us, but transcend them. We must live, act, and do what we believe, and we must be readily available to communicate the power of the Gospel.