Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 5 Reading Excerpt

From this week's reading, originally cited in a 2003 edition of Christianity Today in regard to Mary Poplin:

"In January my mother wanted to go to North Carolina to where she had grown up. We went to this little Methodist church, not because she was religious; she just wanted to see her friends.

When we got there, I was really moved to just go up to the altar and give my life to the Lord. It wasn’t even an altar call. It was a communion call. The guy said, you don’t have to be a member of any church to take communion. You just have to believe that Jesus Christ lived, that he died for your sins, and you have to want him in your life. And when he said that, I was so powerfully moved that I actually thought, even if a tornado rips through this building, I’m going to get that communion.

I took the communion, and I didn’t even listen to the guy. I knelt down and I said, “Please come and get me. Please come and get me. Please come and get me.” And when I took the communion and I said that, I felt free. I felt like tons of things had been lifted off of me. And I began to have an insatiable desire to read the Bible.

Romans 1 says God is obvious to everyone and people’s minds who deny him become darkened. And though they think themselves wise they’re actually foolish. That was me. But the Scriptures began to heal my mind so I could actually think again."

I think this is a powerful story of the Spirit of God moving in the hearts of people. The spirit was working in the heart of this person, and she was moved to participate in the communion. That is half of the work. The second half was that there was a person (a pastor in this case) who was ready, willing, and able to preach the Gospel of Christ and give this person an opportunity to receive it. We are coworkers with the Spirit, it goes out before to work in the hearts of all humanity; we have to be prepared to move when the spirit moves, to preach when we are called to preach, so those that have the spirit working on them can be moved to believe.

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