Monday, January 17, 2011

Self Management

Here is the latest thought from Church Administration:

Church members, coworkers, potential believers, acquaintances, and even those who are almost strangers—inside and outside the church—expect a spiritual leader to demonstrate credibility, integrity, authenticity, and personal piety.

I think I have the categories of credibility, integrity, and authenticity down pretty good. Personal piety is one I have always struggled with, even in the midst of being a pastor. It is so easy to get sidetracked by everything going on. I can't remember how many times I have looked at the devotional book sitting on my night stand, looking at the clock, and saying to myself "I'll do it in the morning", only to find myself waking up late, blitzing out the door, and forgetting what I committed to do the night before. It takes discipline to be able to maintain a daily devotion time, and I struggle mightily with that. It is my hope that maintaining this journal can help jump start my devotion time. One encouraging aspect is that our family has decided to read the one year Bible together. We are only a week behind, but we are fully committed to sticking with it. Lord willing, we will read the entire bible this year.

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