Monday, January 31, 2011

Inhuman resources?

A thought:

Every church has an abundance of nonhuman resources that are sometimes overlooked and thus seldom fully utilized.

I think of two of the rooms that are part of the youth department. One of them has a pool table in it that basically takes up the entire room; it gets used about once a week, if I remember to unlock the doors. The other room is filled with an air hockey table and two foosball tables, used once a week again, if I remember to open the room. I fully intend to sell some of this stuff, because in the scope of things, it is not a good use of space to have those in there. I could see something like a ping pong table getting great use in a room like that, mainly because a ping pong table is completely portable, and can be moved from one room to the next. Creating functionality in the space given to you is crucial, effective use of space can aid in effective ministry.

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