Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Feelings On Administration

The concept of being a pastor has never been equated with administrator. The classic joke is that a pastor has the greatest job in the world because he or she only has to work one day a week, in the pulpit on Sunday morning. That is the pastor aspect of the job, and it is a small fraction of the actual work. The work of administrator is a huge portion of the actual work of a pastor. It is this type of work that makes me the most nervous about being a pastor. It is the behind the scenes stuff that no one understands that defines the work of the pastor. Most people only rate the Pastor's finished product; the sermon, the programming, the bible study he/she puts together. It is the building and facilitating of work and workers, the growing and maturity of congregants, that truly defines the work of the Pastor. I find that I can produce an excellent sermon series, a crazy activity to play at youth group, or a top notch bible study, and if I don't go and make calls to people, If I don't facilitate the work of my department, if I don't do all the behind the scenes stuff, I am burned out and frustrated when I don't see any growth and maturity in my young congregants. The administrative work is the glue that holds the Pastor's work together, and it should not be taken lightly.

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