Monday, October 26, 2009

The calling of a missionary

I just got done reading one of my favorite devotion books, My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. The story has it that Mr. Chambers allowed himself to experience death from a ruptured appendix because he refused to take up a hospital bed that could be used for a soldier during the war. Talk about a man among men! Today's reading stated that the missionary is not sent because of the need, because of the task at hand. The missionary is sent because it is Jesus doing the sending. The Missionary goes because God calls them to go, not because the need is such that a person can meet it. The call to mission comes from behind, not ahead. Its an interesting perspective I think. In my life I am ready to see the need, meet it, and move on unchanged. Am I willing to see beyond the physical, emotional, spiritual need, and see the source of my calling as Jesus himself? Am I allowing the call of ministry to change me, and does that change in me change the place I minister at? It all starts with Jesus first! Amen and Amen!

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