Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It is extremely important to know that the doctrine of holiness is a biblical doctrine. It is no less important to see that it is also a historical one, sewn securely into the fabric of Christian orthodoxy from the beginning. I think the point in this statement about holiness being historical is very significant because I believe that when Holiness has been the focal point of the Church, it has resulted in the great change in the lives of humanity. Often times Christianity gets a pretty harsh treatment in the Historical Context; issues such as the Crusades, Slavery, and Civil Rights have at times thrown Christianity in a pretty poor light. But on the other hand, there are many instances in history when individuals have thrown themselves on the Altar of God, submitting to his will above all else. I think of people like Xavier, Zwingli, Luther, Wesley, and others who, forsaking all else, found no higher calling than to follow God and follow him alone. I think when we set ourselves aside and do the great work that God has called for us, then we have the ability to seek his perfect and pleasing will.

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