Sunday, January 15, 2012

On board a ship to Georgia

Here is an excerpt I found interesting:

Sunday, November 23, 1735: At night I was awakened by the tossing of the ship and roaring of the wind, and plainly showed I was unfit, for I was unwilling, to die.

I find if very interesting that the fear of death creeps in on Mr. Wesley. He states that he is unwilling to die, unwilling to come to meet eternity. At this point Wesley is in his 30s, and he is well educated man in the things of God, especially knowing the teachings of life after death. Yet here we find a man unwilling to meet his maker. I think this is a good example of what Wesley characterized as being unsure of his salvation; he would later attest to this assurance at the Aldersgate meeting a couple of years later.

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