Sunday, July 11, 2010

Posting Fatigue

I have finally reached the point where Christian History is fatiguing me. As I type, I am trying to race against the clock to beat the death of my computer battery, So if I seem brief, you know why. This is the beginning of week 11; two weeks to go, two major projects to finish. I think I am getting an excess of fatigue because my workload over the week has forced me to spend most of my Sunday working on homework. Needless to say, it does not make for a relaxing Sabbath. It is my hope that I can continue to bring you the greatest Christian History has to offer, without trying to cram it all into one day. One major insight I will give you form this week is in regard to my viewing of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church services. I have to admit, I had my own preconceived notions of what I like and disliked about my own home church service, yet when I got involved in the Liturgy and unfamiliarity of the Catholic and Orthodox services, I must say I am very thankful that I attend a Nazarene Church. The music alone was enough to make me go crazy. I know that there are different strokes and preferences for different folks, but if the protestant church hadn't broken away in 1517 for the reasons that it did, I think it would certainly break away in 2010 for the kind of music they were rockin' in that house. No offense to Catholics or Orthodox, if that it the way you worship, no disrespect, but it certainly is not my cup of tea by any means.

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