Describe the ideal Christian education worker. What would you include in a plan to develop CE workers?
I think the ideal Christian worker is one that is willing. Willingness is a huge factor in effective education. If our laity is capable but is unwilling, we will not have a teacher at all. We can train, shape, and assist the willing to become the teachers that God wants them to be. I think in a lot of ways, a good pastor recognizes that often finding the best teachers requires taking a risk and allowing people to explore avenues of ministry where they might fit and excel. A person might not be a very good nursery teacher, but they may be a great nursery teacher. The key is that they will only discover this particular ministry opportunity if they are given the chance to fail or succeed. We as pastors have a duty to love people and equip them for works of service, and education in our local churches is a very important work of service.
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