Monday, January 26, 2015

How can you lead when you feel abused, ignored, manipulated?

I think this is a difficult question to answer. I think when you feel these feelings, you are more discouraged than anything; why would I want to lead people who are manipulating and undermining me? Why would I try to lead when no one is listening, or they are criticizing my every move? If you can't feel supported or encouraged, why would you even bother?

I think you have to lead in these situations with an open mind and a discerning heart. The first question that I would want to address is: What is causing this reaction to my leadership? Is it a program, policy, or proposition that is causing this, or is it me? If it is the former, that can be changed, adjusted, or scrapped; if it is the latter, then I have to change, or move on. These are not easy things to consider in leadership.

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