Saturday, October 11, 2014

In your journal write a prayer of confession that could be used in a worship service:

Father, I pray now for the hearts, minds, body, and souls of those individuals who are in this place. I pray that they would sense your presence in this place today. As they recognize that you are here among them, my prayer is that you would reach out to them, that they would turn away from the sin that so easily entangles, and the things in their life that are holding them down. I pray that they would turn over themselves to you, forsaking their sin, and asking you to be their Lord and Savior. I pray that they can learn to love you with all that they are, and that you will continue to put people in their life that will guide them and direct them on this great journey of walking in relationship with you. Thank you for continuing to work your great work at changing hearts and lives. Amen.

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